* Who's Who in Springfield: Charlotte Waring | Guiding Light on Soap Central
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Charlotte Waring

Also known as Tracey Delmar


Actor History
Victoria Wyndham (1967 to 1969)

Felice Camargo (1969)

Dorrie Kavanaugh (1970)

Melinda O. Fee (1970 to August 1973)


Died in August 1973 after being poisoned by Kit Vested Occupation

Former employee at Cedars Hospital


lived in an apartment at time of death Marital Status

at time of death Single/Divorced (Mike Bauer) Past Marriages

Johnny Fletcher (Divorced) (m. Oct 68;

Mike Bauer (Divorced) (m. Apr 70; div. 1972?) Relatives

None Children


Flings & Affairs
Dick Carey (affair)

Joe Werner(affair; deceased)

Crimes Committed
Fraud; impersonated the late Tracey Delmar [1967 to 1969] Brief Character History:

Con-woman Charlotte Waring came to Springfield in 1967 masquerading as Tracey Delmar, the lost long niece of Dr. Sara McIntyre. Welcomed by an unsuspecting Sara, Charlotte enjoyed the good life and after one date with the handsome Dr. Joe Werner, Charlotte soon set her sights on the younger Johnny Fletcher, a man who would inherit a vast fortune. With dollar signs in her eyes, Charlotte set out and soon became Mrs. Johnny Fletcher. Unfortunately, Charlotte's luck would come to an end with the arrival of Flip Marlone who knew that Charlotte was pulling a con job. Not wanting to use the info himself, Flip told Marty Dillman who proceeded to blackmail Charlotte. Desperate to keep Marty quiet, Charlotte paid him off, only to have him wind up dead! Though a suspect, it wasn't Charlotte the police went after but Marty's wife, Peggy Scott. Feeling increasingly guilty, Charlotte broke down and revealed that she wasn't Tracey after all. With this revelation, she lost Sara's friendship. Though she lost Johnny who quickly annulled their marriage, she did end up gaining the respect of Peggy's lawyer, Mike Bauer. Wanting to redeem herself, Charlotte set out to confirm her suspicion that Flip killed Marty. After Flip's arrest, Charlotte began a relationship with Mike (who was pining away for his sister-in-law, Leslie) and the pair impulsively married.

Unfortunately, Charlotte didn't like competing for Mike's attentions with his young daughter, Hope. Though her selfish attitude was lost on Mike, it wasn't lost on his mother, Bert, who frequently argued with Charlotte over her cold treatment of Hope. Though Mike finally saw the truth when Hope ran away, he decided to give the marriage another try after a pregnant Charlotte suffered a miscarried. Not long after, wealthy Stanley Norris was murdered and Leslie was arrested for the crime! Mike was in total disbelief that Leslie could have murdered Stanley, even if Stanley was as much of a cheat as people were saying. As Mike was mounting a defense of his true love, Leslie, he discovered that there were many other people around town who were willing and able to kill Stanley. During the trial, Charlotte got very upset about all the time that Mike was spending with Leslie. Charlotte became belligerent and jealous and did everything possible to make sure that Leslie would be convicted of killing Stanley. Charlotte even went and told Rita Putman, the secretary of Springfield D.A. Ira Newton, the finer details of how Mike planned to save Leslie from a conviction. Unfortunately, Mike found out from Rita what Charlotte was doing which sealed the end of Mike and Charlotte's marriage.

Finally, in 1972, Leslie exonerated when it was discovered that Stanley was murdered by Marion Conway. Meanwhile, out on parole, Flip Malone returned to Springfield and took Charlotte hostage. Mike characteristically saved the day, taking a bullet in the chest that was meant for Charlotte. Flip sped off and was killed in a car wreck. Joe Werner performed the surgery on Mike that saved his life, and Leslie vowed never to leave him again! Whereas most wives might have been grateful for a husband who took a bullet for them, Charlotte let loose a tornado of revenge on Mike for leaving her. She left his law books out in a rainstorm, dragged Leslie's name through the mud and hired ambulance-chasing lawyer George Kellerman to represent her in a down-and-dirty divorce. She would have left Mike penniless had Hope not spotted her in a liaison with Dick Carey, an egotistical young doctor at Cedars and relayed this to her father. Eventually the divorce was granted.

Now single, Charlotte set her eyes on Joe Werner, Sara's husband. Knowing that her friend, Kit Vested, also had designs on Joe, Charlotte promised to help Kit break up the Werner's marriage. Unfortunately for Kit, Charlotte double-crossed her and seduced Joe herself. That day, Kit was shocked to see Joe entering a hotel with a woman but had no clue who it was. Delighted, she informed Charlotte that she wanted to ruin the Werners' marriage by sending Sara a letter about the affair. Though Charlotte talked Kit out of sending the letter, later Kit was horrified to learn that Charlotte sent it herself!! Angry that her friend double-crossed her, Kit murdered an unsuspecting Charlotte by poisoning her tea. Though Charlotte was rushed to the hospital, Joe was unable to save her from what he thought was a heart attack.

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